




  • ダイアログボックスで画像を選択する。
  • カーソル位置に挿入する。
  • 画像用のスタイルを当てる
  • 四方に枠線を施す
  • 図表番号を付ける



Option Explicit

Private Const FILE_FILTER_TYPE As String = "すべての図"
Private Const FILE_FILTER_EXTENTION As String = "*.emf;*.wmf;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jfif;*.jpe;*.png;*.bmp;*.dib;*.rle;*.gif;*.emz;*.wmz;*.pcz;*.tif;*.tiff;*.eps;*.pct;*.pict;*.wpg"

Private m_FSO As Object

Public Sub InsertInlineShapeWithSettings()
  If Not InsertInlineShape(Selection.Range) Then Exit Sub
  Call ApplyInlineShapeSettingsMain
End Sub

Private Sub SetBordersAround(ByVal a_InlineShape As InlineShape, _
                    Optional ByVal a_LineStyle As MsoLineStyle _
                                              = msoLineSingle, _
                    Optional ByVal a_LineWeight As Single = 1#)
  Dim tgtLnFormat As LineFormat
  Set tgtLnFormat = a_InlineShape.Line
  With tgtLnFormat
    .Visible = msoTrue
    .Style = a_LineStyle
    .Weight = a_LineWeight
  End With
End Sub

Private Function InsertInlineShape( _
                  ByVal a_Range As Range) As Boolean
  InsertInlineShape = False
  Dim tgtFilePath As String
  tgtFilePath = getInlineShapeFilePath
  If tgtFilePath = "" Then Exit Function
  Dim ilShp As InlineShape
  Set ilShp = a_Range.InlineShapes.AddPicture(tgtFilePath)
  ilShp.LockAspectRatio = msoTrue
  Call ilShp.Select
  InsertInlineShape = True
End Function

Private Function getInlineShapeFilePath() As String
  Dim ret As String
  ret = ""
  Dim exDir As String
  If Not HasDocumentProperty("ExDirectory") Then
    Call AddDocumentProperty(a_PropName:="ExDirectory", _
                             a_PropType:=msoPropertyTypeString, _
  End If
  If m_FSO Is Nothing Then Set m_FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  If Not m_FSO.FolderExists(exDir) Then
    exDir = ActiveDocument.Path
  End If
  exDir = ThisDocument.CustomDocumentProperties("ExDirectory").Value
  Dim fpDialog As FileDialog
  Set fpDialog = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
  Dim hasSelected As Boolean
  With fpDialog
    .Title = "画像を選択せよ"
    .AllowMultiSelect = False
    .InitialFileName = exDir
    Call .Filters.Clear
    hasSelected = .Show
    If hasSelected Then
      ret = .SelectedItems(1)
      exDir = Left(ret, InStrRev(ret, "\")) '"
      ThisDocument.CustomDocumentProperties("ExDirectory").Value = exDir
    End If
    Call .Filters.Clear
  End With
  getInlineShapeFilePath = ret
End Function

'新しい自作ドキュメントプロパティを追加する '
Private Function AddDocumentProperty( _
             ByVal a_PropName As String, _
             ByVal a_PropType As MsoDocProperties, _
             ByVal a_DefaultValue As Variant) As Boolean
  AddDocumentProperty = True
  On Error GoTo HandleError
  Call ThisDocument.CustomDocumentProperties.Add(Name:=a_PropName, _
                                                 LinkToContent:=False, _
                                                 Type:=a_PropType, _
  Exit Function
  AddDocumentProperty = False
End Function

'/// 自作ドキュメントプロパティを削除する '
Private Function DeleteDocumentProperty( _
            ByVal a_PropName As String) As Boolean
  DeleteDocumentProperty = True
  On Error GoTo HandleError
  Call ThisDocument.CustomDocumentProperties.Item(a_PropName).Delete
  Exit Function
  DeleteDocumentProperty = False
End Function

Private Function HasDocumentProperty( _
            ByVal a_PropName As String) As Boolean
  HasDocumentProperty = True
  Dim cdp As DocumentProperty
  For Each cdp In ThisDocument.CustomDocumentProperties
    If cdp.Name = a_PropName Then Exit Function
  HasDocumentProperty = False
End Function

Private Sub setBordersForFigure( _
        Optional ByVal a_LineStyle As MsoLineStyle = msoLineSingle, _
        Optional ByVal a_LineWeight As Single = 1#)
  Dim ilShp As InlineShape
  If Selection.Type = wdSelectionInlineShape Then
    If Selection.InlineShapes.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub
    Set ilShp = Selection.InlineShapes(1)
    Exit Sub
  End If
  Dim tgtLnFormat As LineFormat
  Set tgtLnFormat = ilShp.Line
  With tgtLnFormat
    .Visible = msoTrue
    .Style = a_LineStyle
    .Weight = a_LineWeight
  End With
End Sub

Private Function HasStyle( _
            ByVal a_Document As Document, _
            ByVal a_StyleName As String) As Boolean
  HasStyle = True
  Dim st As Style
  For Each st In a_Document.Styles
    If st.NameLocal = a_StyleName Then Exit Function
  HasStyle = False
End Function

Private Sub CreateStyleForFigure1(ByVal a_Document As Document)
'///「Cst図1」スタイルを作成するためだけのメソッド ///'
  Dim st As Style
  Set st = a_Document.Styles.Add("Cst図1")
  With st
    .Visibility = True
    .UnhideWhenUsed = True
    .QuickStyle = True
    .Priority = 1
    .BaseStyle = "標準"
    .NextParagraphStyle = "図表番号"
    With .ParagraphFormat
      .Alignment = wdAlignParagraphCenter
      .LineUnitBefore = 0.5
    End With
  End With
End Sub

Private Sub ApplyInlineShapeSettingsMain()
  Const STYLE_FOR_FIGURE_1 As String = "Cst図1"
  Dim tgtDoc As Document
  Set tgtDoc = ActiveDocument
  Dim ilShp As InlineShape
  If Selection.Type = wdSelectionInlineShape Then
    Set ilShp = Selection.InlineShapes(1)
    Exit Sub
  End If
  If Not HasStyle(tgtDoc, STYLE_FOR_FIGURE_1) Then
    Call CreateStyleForFigure1(tgtDoc)
  End If
  Call applyInlineShapeSettings(STYLE_FOR_FIGURE_1, "図")
End Sub

Private Sub applyInlineShapeSettings( _
            ByVal a_ParagraphStyleName As String, _
            Optional ByVal a_LabelName As String, _
            Optional ByVal a_CaptionPosition As WdCaptionPosition _
                                        = wdCaptionPositionBelow, _
            Optional ByVal a_LineStyle As MsoLineStyle _
                                          = msoLineSingle, _
            Optional ByVal a_LineWeight As Single = 1#)
'### 行内の画像に段落スタイルと枠線と図表番号をセットする         ###'
'### 引数 a_ParagraphStyleName:段落スタイルの名前                ###'
'### 引数 a_LabelName:ラベルの名前                               ###'
'### 引数 a_CaptionPosition:図表番号の位置                       ###'
'### 引数 a_LineStyle:枠線の種類                                 ###'
'### 引数 a_LineWeight:枠線の太さ                                ###'

  Call setBordersForFigure(msoLineSingle)
  Selection.Style = a_ParagraphStyleName
  If a_LabelName = "" Then GoTo ComeHere
  Dim lblIndex As Long
  lblIndex = getCaptionLabelIndex(a_LabelName)
  Dim captLabels As CaptionLabels
  Set captLabels = Application.CaptionLabels
  Call Selection.InsertCaption(Label:=captLabels(lblIndex), _
End Sub

Private Sub SetCaption(Optional ByVal a_LabelName As String = "図", _
                       Optional ByVal a_Position As WdCaptionPosition = wdCaptionPositionBelow)
  Dim lblIndex As Long
  lblIndex = getCaptionLabelIndex(a_LabelName)
  Dim captLabels As CaptionLabels
  Set captLabels = Application.CaptionLabels
  Call Selection.InsertCaption(Label:=captLabels(lblIndex), _

End Sub

Private Function getCaptionLabelIndex( _
                 ByVal a_TgtLabelName As String) As Long
  '### 受けとったラベル名が CaptionLabelsコレクションの何番目にあ  ###'
  '### るかを返す。コレクション内になかったら、新規追加してその番  ###'
  '### を返す。                                                    ###'
  Dim ret As Long
  Dim captLabels As CaptionLabels
  Set captLabels = Application.CaptionLabels
  Dim i As Long
  For i = 1 To captLabels.Count
    If captLabels(i) = a_TgtLabelName Then
      ret = i
      GoTo ReturnValue
    End If
  Call captLabels.Add(a_TgtLabelName)
  ret = captLabels.Count
  getCaptionLabelIndex = ret
End Function

上記コードをまるごとNormal.dotmの標準モジュールに貼り付けて、InsertInlineShapeWithSettingsをクイック アクセス ツール バーに登録します。



